Acupuncture is an energetic medicine

Our western model of medicine views our body from a chemical view point. Although chemicals such as hormones, minerals and other nutrients play their role, they are only one aspect of our physiology. The other aspect is that we are electrical.

Acupuncture works by stimulating key points that are located along different energetic pathways in the body. The points are stimulated by hair-fine needles. When activated, the points offer new electrical signals and create a change in the behaviour of energy. As the pattern of energy changes, the physical body then follows. For example, when ligaments are inflamed, we would activate acupuncture points that assist the release of inflammatory heat, or other points which will signal the ligaments to cool down. In other words, acupuncture changes the conditions and climate in the body from pathological to physiological and therefore supports healthy processes.

Acupuncture as an holistic medicine

Holistic simply means that when we treat an organ, or an illness, we do not isolate it from the rest. The body and mind are seen as one. We look at the whole body-mind and how all the organs and systems interact internally as well as how the person is influenced by their diet, environment, seasons and even planets!

Can Acupuncture help me?

Acupuncture has a unique approach and understanding of human physiology and pathology. For this reason, it is often effective in managing and assisting a vast variety of symptoms that may be associated with different ailments.
Such symptoms may be:
Stress, fatigue, pain, reflux, diarrhoea, constipation, headaches, rashes, fluid retention, urgent or frequent urination, menstrual pain or irregularity, excessive/irregular bleeding, lactation issues, morning sickness during pregnancy, tinnitus, muscle & joint pain, insomnia sore throat, cough, sinus issues and more.

In babies and children, acupuncture can support symptoms such as bedwetting, difficulty during teething, constipation, diarrhoea and vomiting.

Acupuncture may also be used as a support for:

I have a particular interest in working with people who suffer from autoimmune illness.


It is important to remember that the underlying process that leads to disease varies from person to person. Even though five people may experience the same symptoms, the internal process that has led to those symptoms in each of these individuals may be very different. Prognosis (how quickly can you get better) is really dependant on the complexity of the process that has led to disease.

If you are not sure whether Acupuncture is a good fit for you, you are welcome to contact me

My approach to Acupuncture

I combine both Chinese and Japanese approaches to treatment as well as offering nutritional guidance when appropriate. I always work with each person as a whole, rather than treating individual symptoms. I work with the emotional, mental and physical aspects of each person as they are all a part of one system. I appreciate that each person’s healing process is unique and so is the time it can take to resolve an health issue. My aim is to achieve the best result in the fastest way possible.

I treat babies, children and adults as well as support women before, during and post pregnancy.

What happens in your first consultation

In your first appointment we will have an in-depth conversation about your health issues and history. Following that, I will listen to your pulse, palpate your abdomen, shins and forearms as well as look at your tongue. This examination will bring more clarity about the processes in your body that contribute to your symptoms. In the first consultation we may also discuss dietary recommendations depending on your presenting pattern. Following that you will receive the first acupuncture treatment.